Prince of Whales Whale Watching wanted to roll into 2023 with a brand new website to lift sales and take advantage of the resurgence of tourists coming to BC. The pandemic’s toll significantly impacted local tourist organizations, so our team was more than ready to take on this project using the most modern trends paired with battle-tested structures and strategies.
From a thorough website audit that assessed the user’s path to purchase and SEO effectiveness of individual pages, several key areas for improvement were identified. First, since over 60% of users accessed the phone on their mobile devices, the web design needed to prioritize smaller viewports in portrait orientation. Second, Prince of Whales operates in three distinct locations that need to be built out with their own SEO, path to purchase and e-commerce features.
The Eclipse360 team built a visually appealing website with a strategic layout to boost tour bookings. The homepage serves as a portal for whale-watching experiences and directs users to their preferred tour spots. Location pages were revamped for easier access to purchase information. Additionally, new copy and SEO elements were added for better search rankings. Tour pages received upgrades with visuals, sticky booking widgets, and a mobile-friendly design.
YOY Organic Search Traffic: +10%
YOY Session Duration: +40%
YOY Conversion Rate: +24%
Since website launch – April 5 to June 19, 2023.